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Charity Enablers Foundation

The Jon and Karen Larson Family Foundation

Jon H Larson  Chairman


Interfaith education

Cultural preservation

Spiritual enlightenment

CAE - Continuing Adult Education

Environmental conservation, protection and restoration


Charity Enablers Foundation (CEF), also known as The Jon and Karen Larson Family Foundation (herein referred to as LFF)  is a private family foundation operated for public benefit charitable purposes only. CEF/LFF provides both financial and non-financial support including organizational development, administrative and entrepreneurial assistance to non-profit organizations and individuals whose community activities fall within any of the above six general areas. 


Children of Tiburon California releasing locally raised young salmon fry into San Francisco Bay..

The One Voice 9-11 Healing Totem sculpture was gifted to the City of New York and installed at the Bronx Zoo on 9-5-2002. This gift was enabled by the Jon and Karen Larson Family Foundation who donated the original log and provided funding support to other non-profit organizations and individuals to complete the sculpture in memory of all those lives lost in the 9-11 tragedy.

 The Kohola Heal All Life Sculptures Video


Web sites of the non-profit organizations, projects and individuals LFF has supported since 2000 with grants, entrepreneurial  development, and administrative assistance include:

CEF projects: (current and past)

Project Love to Iraq

Cultural Conservancy

Indian Canyon Village

Merola Opera Program

Punahou Class of 1959

The Native Conservancy

United Religions Initiative

Iliahi Foundation of Hawaii

Operation Interdependence

Bay Area Discovery Museum

Yale University Class of 1963

Spaulding Wooden Boat Center

Friendship House First Peoples

Interfaith Center at the Presidio

Tonu Eagleton - master eco-carver

GGNPC Presidio Native Plants Nursery

Yale '63 Alumni - Tour de France 2015

Marin City Community Youth Education

Himalayan Exchange Literacy Program

Yale '63 Alumni - British Isles Tour 2016

TNC  -  the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii

Pacific Islanders Cultural Association - PICA

Children's Literacy Foundation of America - CFLA

American Association of University Women - Marin

Casa Grande High School -Adobe Creek Fish Hatchery

Muwekma Ohlone Indian Tribe of the San Francisco Bay

Youth Workforce Investment Board of Monterey, California

TAO Education - Teachers Association for Outdoor Education

The Kohola Sculptures



Non-profit organizations in the Bay Area to whom LFF provided financial assistance and administrative support prior to founding of the Larson Family Foundation in Year 2000 include:



LFF is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law. As such, no part of the net income or assets shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer or member thereof or to the benefit of any private person.

LFF is a long term endeavor whose management, day to day operations, and financial support come primarily from the family of Jon and Karen Larson commensurate with their long family tradition of giving to and involvement in community non-profit organizations, projects and causes.

LFF is a California based corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  It was originally incorporated as Charity Enablers Foundation and was renamed to the Jon and Karen Larson Family Foundation in 2002.

LFF's interests are  currently centered primarily in California and Hawaii. 

One stated key purpose of this foundation is to provide financial assistance to charitable organizations and individuals engaged in environmental preservation and conservation of resources and in the promotion of public awareness of the need for environmental preservation and conservation of resources. 

LFF accepts donor advised donations for distribution to non-profit organizations and individuals whose stated community activities operate within our four main focus areas.  Currently 100% of donor advised donations are redistributed through grants. The Donor retains the option to specify (recommend to LFF) how to spend a specific donation. 

LFF has an extremely low overhead. All board members, officers, management and advisors currently serve without financial compensation.  LFF family assumes 100% of the costs for operating the foundation. Therefore 100% of donations received are applied towards the needs of other individuals and non-profit organizations.   


Contact Us: 

Jon and Karen Larson Family Foundation 

a California charitable nonprofit (501c3) public benefit corporation since 2000

PO Box 751, Tiburon, CA 94920 ;

Corporation id#:  02237360       EIN#: 68-0460563

Phone: 415 435-3222

Email:  jonlarson99.jl@gmail.com

Web site:  www.lff1.org

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